Since coming to Georgia The Rooster and the kids and I have had to do a bit of improvising in the housing department. We are waiting for on-post housing which we were told would be a 3 to 6 month wait. This of course is a dilemma since living in a motel room is very expensive on a long-term basis and I don't know many land-lords that are willing to do a month to month rental from the beginning. Most all of them require at least some sort of deposit plus a contract of some sort, usually a minimum of 3 months. We also ran across the problem of the cost of renting here is sky-high and there really would not be a way we could really afford a house we could all fit in and also be able to do the important things like exploring this new and exciting state of Georgia. So we both decided our best option was to just wait for a house on post to open up for us.
This of course opened up the question of where to stay for the next 3 to 6 months. We found this place that seemed to be the cheapest and offered fully furnished trailers that would rent to us on a short-term basis (weekly or monthly whichever we happened to need). It is called Happy Acres and if nothing else it will make you smile as you pull into the entry and drive to your very own lovely temporary trailer. We thought we would share a few of our favorites!
The Rooster and I have affectionately dubbed it "The Crayon Box"
Well, I must say at first I was speechless, then stunned, then full of admiration. Someone has done a fabulous job of putting colors together and then painting very neatly and nicely. Then they mowed the grass very well, no junk around and everything is neat. A good looking place and they are making a lot of money for all their trouble. I like it, so which one is yours? M